Super strength industrial and domestic formulaFast acting granules clear slow running kitchen drainsHigh heat granules target fat, grease and foodKITCHEN SINK, DRAIN PIPE BLOCKAGES: Gradually add 250g of DOTS Kitchen Sink Unblocking Granules to 3 litres of cold water and stir gently. The solution will heat up. Pour immediately into drain. Leave for 20 minutes, then flush with boiling water. Repeat process if necessary. Regular treatment with half strength mix (250g granules to 6 litres of water) will prevent further blockages. CLEANING SANITISING: (dustbins, kennels, stables, driveways etc) Add 1-2 tablespoons granules per 5 litres of water. Scrub soiled area with solution, then wash down thoroughly with water. Removes oil and soot. PAINT STRIPPING: Add 250g granules to 1 litre of cold water. Apply carefully with an old paint brush. When the paint begins to blister, scrape off and rinse thoroughly. Always dissolve DOTS Kitchen Sink Unblocking Granules thoroughly before use. Always use COLD water (the mixing process generates heat). Use a plastic bucket and stir carefully with a wooden spoon or stick. Always add granules to water not water to granules. Rinse equipment and treated areas thoroughly after use. Never add neat undissolved DOTS Kitchen Sink Unblocking Granules direct into drains etc. Do not use on galvanised, zinc, aluminium or acrylic surfaces.
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